

MAN B&W ME-LGIM: The world’s first two-stroke methanol engineEnabling a scalable energy transitionThe MAN B&W ME-LGIM is a two-stroke, dual-fuel engine that can run on methanol as well as conventional fuels.The MAN B&W ME-LGIM engine is specifically designed to meet the needs of the maritime industry. It is a versatile and scalable solution that is suited to a wide range of vessel types. Methanol as marine fuel is simple to handle, store, and bunker onboard. Due to relatively simple auxiliary systems and the potential to be carbon-neutral, methanol and ME-LGIM have become an attractive option for meeting decarbonization targets. Proven two-stroke methanol engine designAvailable either for newbuilds or for upgrading existing conventional fuel vessels, this engine represents a proven, refined engine design based on over 600,000 running hours on methanol alone.Methanol produced from renewable sources is an attractive marine fuel option due to its low carbon intensity. An engine using green methanol can even provide carbon-neutral propulsion.Engines and applicationsThanks to an extensive existing ME-LGIM engine portfolio, our methanol engines cater to a wide range of vessel applications, including container vessels of all sizes, product tankers, very large crude carriers, numerous bulk carrier sizes, roll-on/roll-of ships, and pure car and truck carriers. It can run on methanol as well as on conventional fuels.The MAN B&W ME-LGIM engine is available for newbuilding projects and retrofits. For more information:

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